

Saving The Web One URL at a Time.

Join the Movement

Enter your email to stay up to date with the #SaveTheWeb movement including BRC-20 ICO information. URL submission and rewards begin early 2024. Stay tuned!

The What

#SaveTheWeb is your chance to earn rewards for URLs that you save to the blockchain. These rewards can be immediately exchanged for ChainRecorder.com hashing credits, this allows you to Chain personal files to the Bitcoin blockchain using the ChainRecorder platform. We will also be implementing a BRC-20 token for exchange, so don't forget to join the movement mailing list!

#SaveTheWeb renders the vast dimensions of the web into a timeline with hashed screenshots and zipped codes for all webpages.

Join the Decentralization Revolution and support freedom from intermediaries, transparency, and sovereignty for the web and the individual.

The Why

In a world where the vast digital cosmos is constantly evolving, how do we hold onto the internet's invaluable heritage? #SaveTheWeb is the answer - powered by ChainRecorder.com. Join us in our mission to catalog and add timestamps to the wild jungle that is World Wide Web.

We believe in the power and importance of preserving the web's historical content.

#SaveTheWeb goes beyond just storing snippets of code and screenshots. We're creating a comprehensive snapshot of internet history, a timestamped record that cannot be altered or tampered with, embodying the idea of trustlessness that is central to blockchain technology.

The How

How it works

  • Submit a URL to Save: Submit a URL to be Saved to the WebChain timeline.
  • Earn rewards: Effortlessly earn rewards for each URL you submit. (terms apply)
  • Convert your rewards: Convert your earned rewards into ChainRecorder hashing credits on the ChainRecorder.com Web Application.
  • Exchange your rewards: Convert your rewards into the ChainRecorder BRC-20 token, coming soon.
  • View your submissions and rewards: Navigate to your account profile to view your activity summary, rewards earned, conversion history.
  • View ALL submissions: Go to the timeline-based view that allows you to see the historical progression of screenshots and associated code for each URL.
  • Share: This movement needs as many people as we can get! Share with everyone you know, Let's #SaveTheWeb!
  • Bask in the glory: Bask in the glory knowing that you contributed to #SaveTheWeb for all future generations!

Participation is simple. Create your ChainRecorder account, submit URLs of interest and save them.

For each URL saved, earn "Chain" rewards which can be immediately exchanged for ChainRecorder hashing credits. Watch as your participation not only drives your rewards but contribute to the digital heritage being archived and catalogued for generations to come!

Join the Movement

Enter your email to stay up to date with the #SaveTheWeb movement including BRC-20 ICO information. URL submission and rewards begin early 2024. Stay tuned!